Фразовый глагол Look в английском языке

Ниже приведены значения глагола to look с употреблением различных предлогов:

1. Look at — взглянуть на…;
— Could you look at my report and tell me if you think it’s OK?

2. Look for – искать;
— He has been looking for a job for ages now.

3. Look after — присматривать за;
— I look after the office when my colleagues are away on business.

4. Look ahead – планировать;
— In this business, it’s very difficult to look ahead and predict what will happen.

5. Look in — заскочить, забежать;
— Look in on Jenny and check that she is still working.

6. Look back — оглядываться назад;
— I realise I was very naive when I look back.

7. Look down on – пренебрегать;
— The people who work in Headquarters always look down on the people in the branches.

8. Look forward to (doing!) smth — с нетерпением ждать;
— I’m seeing him on Tuesday. I’m really looking forward to it.

9. Look into – рассмотреть;
— We have set up a working group to look into the problem.

10. Look up — посмотреть в книге;
— Hold on a sec, I’ll look this word up in the dictionary.

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