Public libraries are supposed to store paper books and lend them to everyone who wants to borrow them. But modern technologies allow you to get a book you need without going to libraries.
In my opinion, public libraries are increasingly losing their popularity. It is explained by the absence of any serious reason to go somewhere for getting a book. If your computer is connected to the Internet, you can launch a browser, type the title of the book in the search engine box, and instantly get a number of links to download it for free. Besides, public libraries lend books for a limited period of time whereas you download a book from the World Wide Web once and for all.
But there are people who are convinced that public libraries will last forever. They believe that libraries will be able to adapt for changing conditions. First of all, they will add to their range of services not only offering books but also arranging different cultural and educational events. For example, they can invite readers and writers to their place and organize interaction between them. Nevertheless, I doubt that this will help libraries to survive. Modern people are too busy and have little time to visit any events regularly.
To sum it up, I am inclined to believe that public libraries are doomed to die because nobody will have a reason to go there.
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