Действительный залог в английском языке (The Active Voice)

В действительном залоге подлежащее обозначает исполнителя действия, лицо или предмет, выполняющие описываемое действие, а тот, на кого направлено действие, т.н. «получатель действия» в предложении является дополнением.

Большинство предложений имеют действительный залог.

Предложения действительного залога в английском языке образуются следующим образом:

исполнитель действия + I форма глагола + получатель действия


The professor teaches the students. Профессор преподает студентам.

John washes the dishes. Джон моет посуду.

В таблице приведены примеры действительного залога во всех возможных временах:


Действительный залог

Present Simple

Once a week, Tom cleans the house.

Present Continuous

Right now, Sarah is writing the letter.

Past Simple

Sam repaired the car.

Past Continuous

The salesman was helping the customer when the thief came into the store.

Present Perfect

Many tourists have visited that castle.

Present Perfect Continuous

Recently, John has been doing the work.

Past Perfect

George had repaired many cars before he received his mechanic’s license.

Past Perfect Continuous

Chef Jones had been preparing the restaurant’s fantastic dinners for two years before he moved to Paris.

Future Simple

Someone will finish the work by 5:00 PM.

Future Simple
be going to

Sally is going to make a beautiful dinner tonight.

Future Continuous

At 8:00 PM tonight, John will be washing the dishes.

Future Perfect

They will have completed the project before the deadline.

Future Perfect Continuous

The famous artist will have been painting the mural for over six months by the time it is finished.

Used To

Jerry used to pay the bills.

Would Always

My mother would always make the pies.

Future in the Past

I knew John would finish the work by 5:00 PM.

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